Vera Wise : For The Love Of It

Fri. October 19th 2007 - Mon. October 29th 2007
Vera Wise is an amateur painter of the purest kind; she is so involved with her subject that any consideration of talent or skill is irrelevant. She just paints what she sees and loves - for the love of it. Except for a few week long workshops in watercolour painting years ago, she is self taught. She sketches and paints agricultural subjects: her own farmhouse, barns and garden, the flooded fields in the spring, her many chickens, the old rooster, the local pig farm, her many cats (but only three today), Teddy the dog, the pumpkins waiting to be harvested, the migrating trumpeter swans, the barn swallows, and still life displays of Nature's bounty. She works on-location, with her sketchbook, or big sheets of watercolour paper, or she works at the kitchen table; the whole world is her studio, and the whole world is in her bucolic valley.
Presented by: The Ministry of Casual Living
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