Matt Schryer : Canadian Wildlife Photographer and Stone Column Balancer

Fri. November 20th 2015 - Fri. December 4th 2015
@  Odeon Alley
Relaxation, Meditation, Inspiration, Motivation; Joy, Peace, Love and Appreciation through unedited photographs of Canadian Wildlife, Nature, and Balanced Stone Columns

My name is Matthew Schryer. I'm blessed with epilepsy, and more specifically various forms of amnesia. I love, I forgive, I understand, and I know that it's a blessing to exist. I'm a seer and an empath, and I'm a philosopher in the classic sense. My relationship to creation is one of an experience imbued with a recognition of the inherent equality within unity coupled with understanding of the natures of the inherent equality within unity, self as other self, polarity, predetermined free will, and the processes of manifestation. Oftentimes when a photographic opportunity arises, I telepathically speak with the animals I'm about to photograph, letting them know that I love them and that I'm their friend. I ask them to relax and share themselves so that others can enjoy and be inspired by their beauty. I repeat I love you, I breathe, and I relax. I visualize and see the angle of natural light and desired composition, and I move slowly so that I align with the animals natural path of movement. When balancing stone columns I connect with the stones in such a way where I know that they're balancing themselves through the use of my hands. All-that-is moves as One.

[email protected] 250-634-7125
Presented by: The Ministry of Casual Living
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