50% Illuminated: A Night of Drawing and Visual Projections

Fri. March 23rd 2018
@  Ministry of Casual Living Devonshire Studios, 858 Devonshire Rd
7pm - 11:30pm
The full moon is so overrated! Tonight we celebrate the humble 1st quarter, when the moon is HALF ILLUMINATED by the sun and both celestial bodies pull each other in different directions ...... Visitors can explore this theme through drawing, using various objects, video projections and sweet tunes for inspiration.

Refreshments and snacks will be available for purchase as well as MOCL merch! All funds will go towards improving our new space and setting the stage for a year full of events. Come say hey! :)

Get your draw on! Check out our amazing gallery space and artist studios that are available while getting to know your local artists!! An acknowledgment that The Ministry of Casual Living gallery and artist studios are located on unceded traditional Lekwungen Territories.
*BYO art supplies
Presented by: The Ministry of Casual Living